Gallery | Kitchen

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Food... Glorious Food!!!

Yummy Marmite Crabs

Sushi Banquet!

Seared Ahi Tuna, Shrimp Tempura, Tamago,
Rolls: Seared Ahi Tuna/Shrimp Tempura/Cucumber/Strawberries/Avocado
(some combination of them top with roe)
Miso Soup

Saturday, June 27, 2009


A cousin with a strawberry figure.
She loves eating strawberries
which is probably why she smells of them.


A wild and slightly sunburned cousin
who enjoys going out stark naked.
Impresses everyone with her smooth dance moves.


The beloved son of the King of All Cosmos.
He always tries his best
which is why he is so popular.


A cousin with a box-shaped head.
He likes to tell scary stories to others
but always ends up scaring himself instead.


Apparently, he was once so surprised that
his face jumped out of his body.


A second cousin who likes black clothes.
Not so good at making friends
but he always keeps his promises.


A cousin who feels very warm on the outside.
She also has a warm heart
and is always nice to others.


People often mistake this cute cousin for a baby.
We think it's because of the pillow she carries on her head.


A strange girl who keeps a pet duck in her room.
Her parents are very rich.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Katamari Damacy Figurines

From top-left:
Prince, Ichigo, Johnson,
Lalala, Pu, Miso,
Paula, Mu, Shikao

Me Teddies!!!

© From left: Papa Bear, Baby Bear, & Mama Bear

Let Sleeping Cat Lies

He! He! He!


© Let Sleeping Cat Lies